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Under images you can manage the image of the deployment. You can configure the registry (e.g. ghcr.io, docker.io), your username and password if it's private and also the repository/image. Last but not least you can define the image tag. If you need to debug something you can copy the current rollout ID to search the components inside the Kubernetes cluster.
If you don't want to manually update your image tag each time you push a new version of your image to the registry you can activate the Auto Update feature. There you can specify an interval (1m, 5m, 10m), a pattern and policy how the image registry should get checked and the image should get updated.
Interval: the cron ticker defined in the Pocketbase environment variable will check the modulo of the minutes and checks the registry in this interval. So it's crucial to let the cron tick interval at 1m as it is default.
Pattern: a regex pattern which parses the image tag. The default is the default semver notation x.x.x
Policy: the policy (semver or timestamp) defines the sorting. For timestamp it will only work if the image tag is a unix timestamp.
The behaviour and consept is similar to the one of fluxcd: https://fluxcd.io/flux/guides/image-update/
Default x.x.x semver pattern. e.g. 1.2.0 will get updated to 1.2.1
Default x.x.x semver pattern with a dev- prefix.
Any pattern will get updated with a unix timestamp.
A pattern with the preview- prefix which will get udpated with a unix timestamp.