
One-Click uses the open source backend pocketbase to achieve things like authentication and storing data. It also serves the frontend of One-Click. In the release process the pocketbase and frontend code will get compiled and put into a single container image and pushed to the Github container registry.

Pocketbase offers the ability to extend it with our own golang code. You can listen on certain events and then execute code. We use that to make the Kubernetes api calls and manage the Kubernetes resources created via the frontend interface.

You can find the code under the following link: https://github.com/janlauber/one-click/tree/main/pocketbase


Pocketbase uses JWT tokens for authentication. The frontend sends a request to the pocketbase backend with the user credentials. The backend then checks if the user exists and if the password is correct. If everything is correct, the backend will return a JWT token. The frontend will then store this token in the local storage and use it for every request to the backend.

We also support the ability to use the following authentication providers:

  • Google

  • Github

  • Microsoft

The frontend will automatically display the login buttons for these providers if they are enabled in the pocketbase backend.

Database UML

Generated with the PocketBaseUML tool.


Pocketbase allows you to create custom endpoints. These endpoints can be used to execute custom code. We use this feature to serve everything to the frontend. The custom endpoints are written in golang and you can find them in the main.go file under the app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error { function.





Serves the frontend



Serves the backend



Serves the backend



Get rollout status



Get rollout metrics



Get rollout events



Get pod logs



Get blueprint



Share blueprint



Auto update



Get cluster info



Delete pod



Websocket to get resource updates of a rollout



Websocket to get pod logs



Websocket to get pod events

All endpoints are protected by the JWT authentication, except the websocket endpoints. The frontend will send the JWT token in the header of the request.

Environment Variables

Variable NameDefaultDescription



Set to true if you're running KubeLab locally. It will take your local kubeconfig under .kube/config



Set to the path of your kubeconfig file if you're running KubeLab locally. It will take your local kubeconfig under the specified path


*/1 * * * *

The tick in cron notation at which the auto image update will check for new updates in the registry. Do not change this under 1min

Extended Information

For more information about pocketbase, please visit the official documentation. Also dig into the source code of our implementations and try to understand how we use pocketbase in our project.

Last updated