
In One-Click you can create a new project or manage existing ones. Each project will get a unique ID which will be used to identify the project inside the Kubernetes cluster. The project will also get a unique namespace in the Kubernetes cluster which has the same name as the project ID.

Create a new project

To create a new project, log in to the One-Click platform and click on the top right corner New Project button. Fill in the project name and description and select a blueprint to use for the project. Click on the Create project button to create the project.

You first need to create a blueprint before you can create a project. Head over to the Blueprints section to learn more about blueprints.

You can also set some labels for the project. Labels are used to group projects together and can be used to filter projects in the project list.

Manage existing projects

Each project has it's own overview page where you can see the details of the project and it's resources.

There will be a Kubernetes namespace each One-Click project with certain labels:


In the project overview, you can see all the deployments in this project. You can also navigate to the Blueprints, create a new Deployment or make some project settings. In the listed deployments you can see it's status, the ID of the current rollout, the amount of running replicas in the cluster and the current image deployed.

Project settings

In the project settings, you can change the project name, avatar and labels. You can also delete the project from the project settings which will also delete the namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.

Last updated